The Order of the Capote

Recognize those who stand out

In the bygone era, fur trade companies used to recognize individuals who, by their acts and contributions, helped to advance certain commercial and political issues. The presentation of a coat, normally inspired by Indigenous peoples, was a token of appreciation and recognition.

Festival du Voyageur celebrates this tradition annually by presenting a capote to an individual who has distinguished themselves as a dedicated volunteer in the community as well as for Festival du Voyageur. This tradition allows us to recognize an individual that has contributed and continues to contribute to the growth of our community.

The Honorary Capote is presented to an individual who :

  • Contributes to the advancement of Manitoba's Francophonie
  • Contributes to Franco-Manitoban and/or Aboriginal arts, culture or heritage
  • Contributes to the enhancement of Voyageur and fur trade heritage
  • Contributes in an exemplary way to the volunteer sector related to the Festival du Voyageur

The nomination form for the 2025 Honorary Capote is now closed.




Roger and Ida St. Vincent


Yvonne Bérubé


Marcel French


Denise Lécuyer


Conseil des Chevaliers de Colomb de la paroisse des Saint Martyrs Canadiens


Conseil Jeunesse Provincial


René Comeault & Anita Théroux-Comeault


Louis Gagné


Roland Gagné


2016 - Gérald Curé
2016 - Paul Desrosiers
2015 - Philippe Mailhot
2014 - La Compagnie de La Vérendrye
2013 - La Liberté
2012 - Estelle Soulodre
2011 - Jeanne Bernardin * (posthumoustly)
2010 - Marcien Ferland
2009 - Gabriel Dufault
2008 - La Brigade de la Rivière Rouge
2007 - Yvette Carrière
2006 - Eugène Prieur
2005 - Armand Desharnais
2004 - Greg Selinger
2003 - Harvey Chartrand
2002 - Guy Savoie
2001 - Agnès Rémillard et Ronald Valois
2000 - Dr. André Molgat
1999 - Ronald Duhamel
1998 - Yvon Dumont
1997 - Les Chevaliers de Colomb du Conseil Goulet
1996 - Famille D’Eschambault
1995 - Guy Bérubé
1994 - Hadley Castille
1993 - Paulette et Jacques Dupont
1992 - Réal Bérard
1991 - George and Pat Einarson
1990 - Alfred Monin
1989 - Hélène Martin
1988 - Henri Létourneau
1987 - Les Sœurs Grises
1986 - Joseph Guay
1985 - Laurent Desjardins
1984 - Léo Robert
1983 - Bill Norrie
1982 - Pearl MacGonigal